September 17, 2024

Selling Rental Property in Tooele, UT

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A rental property can be one of the best investments you’ll ever make. In addition, selling it may be an even better idea. That being said, it's always better to do your research before selling rental property in Tooele. If you are debating whether to sell your rental property, then this blog may answer some questions. 

When to Sell?

Is it better to sell your house today or in six months? Maybe it’s smarter to sell it in a few years? The market can be complicated sometimes. However, selling your rental property today may be your best option.

Selling today will allow you to cash in on your investment. Likewise, you can take that money to a new investment or use it to get back on your feet. Also, selling now may allow you to be able to pull away from the title of “landlord”. No more late-night alarming phone calls about needing to fix the furnace or a broken pipe. Not only do you cash in on your rental property when selling, but you are freeing so much of your time and easing your burden of not worrying about tenants. 

Should I Repair the Home?

Repairing your home is always a good idea for appeasing a potential buyer's eye. But you have to be careful, repairs usually cost more than the value of the home. This means that you spend more money than it’s worth to fix up the place. 

The Simple Dollar goes into more detail about this. Likewise, it points out that renovations usually cost more than you usually paid for the home, usually. Keep this in mind when deciding how you want to go about selling your rental property. 

Should I Hire a Realtor to Sell the Home?

Hiring a real estate agent to sell your home for you is nice in some ways, but be careful. The reason why it may seem ideal is that they have the proper, convenient resources. They can list your home on the market for you. In addition, they will be there for the whole selling process. 

But, since the home was rented out so many different times, it may be hard to find a buyer. Your agent may request that you make repairs and renovations. Furthermore, this can leave you without any savings as stated above. Another thing to consider with a realtor is the high commission fees they charge. 

They have the potential to not only sell your home for what you were hoping, but to also take a large chunk of the sale once your property sells. The economist lays it out perfectly. Not only do realtors “rip you off”, but they are just unnecessary middlemen.

How to Sell?

By now, you may feel defeat in trying to decide which approach to take when selling your rental property in Tooele. Don’t worry. This is why we are here to help you. We are cash buyers in Tooele.

What is a cash buyer, you ask? We purchase homes for cash in a short seven days. We already have the cash ready for you so you can avoid realtor fees, and expensive renovations, and get the quick sale you desire.

Call us today at 801-939-0123, and we will come out and give you an offer the same day.

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