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Featured image for “The Hassles of Hosting an Open House”

The Hassles of Hosting an Open House

Selling a house by owner or with a realtor can take a long time and it can get expensive. This can be tough when you need to get out of your house fast and don’t have the time or patience to wait for it to sell. These blog posts will teach you alternative ways, like working with a cash buyer, to sell your house.

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Featured image for “Is It Worth It to Repair Your Utah Home?”

Is It Worth It to Repair Your Utah Home?

Home repairs can get expensive, which is why we will buy your home without you spending any time or money on fixing it up. We'll be homes in any condition - new, old, ugly, damaged, full of stuff, you name it!

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Featured image for “What Are Real Estate Closing Costs Exactly?”

What Are Real Estate Closing Costs Exactly?

Selling a house by owner or with a realtor can take a long time and it can get expensive. This can be tough when you need to get out of your house fast and don’t have the time or patience to wait for it to sell. These blog posts will teach you alternative ways, like working with a cash buyer, to sell your house.

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Featured image for “How to Stop Foreclosure Fast in Salt Lake City”

How to Stop Foreclosure Fast in Salt Lake City

When you can't afford to pay your bills anymore, it can mean that foreclosure is right around the corner. Your credit score can take a huge hit when your house is foreclosed on. These blog posts will help you learn the tricks for avoiding foreclosure, and even why you should consider selling to a cash buyer when you are in this situation.

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Featured image for “Is a Zillow Zestimate Accurate When Selling Your House?”

Is a Zillow Zestimate Accurate When Selling Your House?

Selling a house by owner or with a realtor can take a long time and it can get expensive. This can be tough when you need to get out of your house fast and don’t have the time or patience to wait for it to sell. These blog posts will teach you alternative ways, like working with a cash buyer, to sell your house.

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Featured image for “What Is a Home’s Market Value vs Assessed Value?”

What Is a Home’s Market Value vs Assessed Value?

Selling a house by owner or with a realtor can take a long time and it can get expensive. This can be tough when you need to get out of your house fast and don’t have the time or patience to wait for it to sell. These blog posts will teach you alternative ways, like working with a cash buyer, to sell your house.

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Featured image for “What to Do If Tenants Trashed a Rental Property?”

What to Do If Tenants Trashed a Rental Property?

Owning a rental property is a great investment, but it can also get tiring after a while. These blog posts will help you figure out how to get out of landlording if you don't have the time, money or desire to deal with repairs and tenants anymore.

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Featured image for “Who Gets the House in a Divorce in Utah?”

Who Gets the House in a Divorce in Utah?

Figuring out what to do with a house/mortgage when you get divorced can be rather complicated. It may be tempting to sell assets before the divorce, but each state has their own laws regarding this. These blog posts will teach you everything you need to know about selling a house when you are going through a major life change such as a divorce.

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Featured image for “How Selling a Home Can Impact Your Taxes”

How Selling a Home Can Impact Your Taxes

Selling a house by owner or with a realtor can take a long time and it can get expensive. This can be tough when you need to get out of your house fast and don’t have the time or patience to wait for it to sell. These blog posts will teach you alternative ways, like working with a cash buyer, to sell your house.

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